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And speaking of lovely,

Care of Care’s Online Book Club, who always makes me smile, has made a bold claim:


She claims that she would brave a pack of raving zombie chickens in order to read my blog.  This is a very nice thing to say because chickens are already really yucky and stupid, even without a craving for tasty brains.  Consider that.  I had to think about it very hard before passing it on, to Schatzi of the stacks my destination, and Jeane at Dog Ear Diary, and Jackie of Farm Lane Books.

Inspired by Nymeth’s sterling example, and the fact that something glorious (and book-related) is coming my way soon (maybe! I can’t say yet because I’m afraid I’ll jinx myself!), I have decided to return all my books to the library.   She has made thirteen rules for herself, to catch up on reading the books she already owns.  It’s very inspiring to behold, and in solidarity I’ve made a rule for myself too: I shall return my books tomorrow and not get any new ones unless I really really really want them.  Good, eh?

P.S. Whoever nominated me for Book Blogger Appreciation Week awards, thank you – y’all are so sweet!