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BBAW: Community!

Okay, so. I didn’t write the Monday BBAW community post where I would say, this blogger is the best! And this blogger is also the best! And so on, and so forth! I didn’t do that because the time slot I had intended to devote to doing that on Sunday, I instead spent suddenly weirdly caring a lot a lot about the Jets/Cowboys game and coming very close to bursting into tears when the Jets won. I don’t care about the Jets. It was the 9/11 anniversary and they kept showing footage of the Tribute in Light, and that was why.

Then I was going to do it on Monday. But on Monday I ended up going to watch the US Open at Madison Square Park. I don’t understand tennis. My coworkers had to explain it to me. I said “Vamos Rafa!” as I was instructed to do, but that did not help the desired party (Rafa Nadal) to win. This is the most sporting events I don’t really care about (but somehow ended up caring about because New York made me) ever to have messed with my blogging schedule.

HOWEVER. This does not mean that I do not love you guys. The book blogging community is the world’s nicest ever community. Everyone I have ever said anything nice about in Book Blogger Appreciation Week or other weeks ever, you guys are still exactly that awesome. I don’t even want to nameĀ  names because y’all are all so wonderful and once I start naming bloggers I love, I can’t stop. I know because I tried. I started naming bloggers I love and this post reached an absurd length.

As such, I am just going to take this opportunity to say that I sometimes have a hard time keeping up with blogging, and sometimes I think I should go on a hiatus because I’m already being not a very good blogger. But then I think about how much I really, really, really love y’all. Book blogging is the world’s nicest ever online community, I truly think.

So thank you, all book bloggers, for existing, and thank you, Amy (and all the BBAW team), for organizing this lovefest week yet again. I love you all. One million hearts.