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WordPress being a jerk; and, give me books to read!

WordPress is being a jerk, and everyone is having commenting problems. Teresa from Shelf Love has a post about what’s going on. Feel free to contact WordPress (not this minute; tomorrow) and express your displeasure. I am displeased. More importantly, my mumsy is displeased. Knock it off, WordPress! Cease at once to displease my mama!

Secondly, I don’t know what to read. A while ago, I begged you to tell me something Awesome to read, and the lovely trapunto told me to read Kage Baker’s Company series, and it was all awesome all the time. (Well, almost all the time.) I just got through reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, a book I reread constantly because it never fails to be brilliant and to make me want to do more writing. Further, it is delightfully written, wonderfully plotted, and unendingly creative. And I would like something — not similar similar, but similarly awesomesauce. Would you care to recommend me a book that is awesomesauce? I would like something where I just won’t be able to stop reading it. I checked out a trillion books from the library but I fear none of them will cut it. Help please.