Hi everyone! This is a quick notification that I’ll be doing adventures in the month of February, which will keep me away(ish) from blogging this month. The podcast should still be coming out on schedule, and I’ll still be visiting your blogs as often as I can, but generally it’ll be quiet around here. Get at me on Twitter or by email (readingtheend AT gmail DOT com) if something particularly amazing happens that requires my attention. Like if the fourth Raven Cycle book gets a title other than Raven Cycle IV: Children with Large Bank Accounts Finally Get What’s Coming to Them.
Q: What kind of adventures?
A: Not the kind that require a secret identity or your own theme song. I am not cut out for that sort of thing. I go to bed at ten o’clock every night and cross-stitch for fun.
Q: What will you be reading while you are away?
A: Many things, I hope; definitely Frances Hardinge’s Cuckoo Song, and maybe this one book about the Congo. Feel free to drop a line about good books for me to read while doing adventures.
Q: Don’t you mean hiatus?
A: Nobody likes a smarty-pants.
Q: Do you have a new and worrying idea about what’s going to happen in Children with Large Bank Accounts Finally Get What’s Coming to Them?
A: Why yes I do. I am newly concerned that why Gansey goes to the principal’s office in Blue Lily Lily Blue (you know? that time you didn’t really register because you were having a small heart attack about Ronan taking Adam on a secret private mission?) is that he Knows and is Putting His Affairs in Order. Sometimes when I am driving on the interstate for more than twenty minutes, my brain has time to think of unpleasant possibilities.
Q: Is Legend of the Seeker a silly and enjoyable show that I should watch since the first season is streaming for free on Hulu?
A: Yes. See below for further information, or apply to Alice of Reading Rambo for the hard sell.