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F*** This Week: A Links Round-Up

Fucking Nazis. I hate this week, this week sucks. Down with Nazis. Goddamn. This is a short links round-up because I’m furious that we are so comfortable with white supremacy in this damn country that we are now having LITERALLY NAZI RALLIES and the DAMN PRESIDENT won’t say boo about it.

In this utter fuck of a fortnight, I drew some small inspiration from Rebecca Solnit.

Ideas are contagious, emotions are contagious, hope is contagious, courage is contagious. When we embody those qualities, or their opposites, we convey them to others.

An AI tried to generate romance novel titles, and I laughed at the results until I wept.

This is a rhino charging cars on the road. My favorite part is when the guy doing the filming says “this is like one of those bloody African movies.”

A scientist’s perspective on That Google Memo.

So I’ve not been impressed by what I’ve heard about Netflix’s new show Atypical, whose creative team has mainly said “oh we talked to people who know autistic people” when asked about the challenges of representation. Autistic actor Mickey Rowe discusses some of the problems/stereotypes in the show.

The patriarchy is awful for everybody, part ten million: There’s an epidemic of loneliness among men.

Hang out with your friends this weekend, pals, and take some good actions against white supremacy. We all have to team up to stop it.