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One Day There Won’t Be Sexist Poops in My Links Round-Up: A Links Round-Up

Another Friday is blessing us with its presence! I have been spinning through a busy week and am excited to get some relaxation time this weekend. So busy in fact that this is going to be kind of a short links round-up, and I apologize. But just know that I love you all, and I want you to read only the best internet content.

The writers of Deadpool have never heard of fridging so that’s cool. (Spoilers for Deadpool 2 in this link.)

Rebecca Solnit on the idea of sex as commodity. (I.e., women as commodity.)

Living beyond tragedy: The danger of a single story about Native Americans.

Here’s how one chef, Erin Wade, stopped harassment of staff at her restaurant.

This piece about Sephora’s new in-store cosmetics classes for trans folks made me tear up a little bit.

Is fandom etiquette changing? Clare McBride argues that it is (for the worse).

If you missed the Arrested Development interview where Jason Bateman acts like an absolute sack of shit, count yourself blessed. But do check out Linda Holmes on why it was so hard to read (and, apparently, listen to).

The important thing about the Starbucks sensitivity training is the acknowledgement that racial bias is pervasive in American society.

Have a joyous weekend!