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More Dudes Than Usual In My Links Round-Up

Honestly, it’s kind of weird. Why do I have so many links to things that dudes wrote? This isn’t like me at all. WHO AM I. WHERE ARE ALL THE WOMEN. (Don’t worry, y’all, there’s still lots of things that women wrote, because I’m still me and women write amazing things.) Anyway, here are a bunch of links, two of which are about copyright and estate drama, which I adore. Enjoy!

Jerry Falwell Jr. runs Liberty University like a dictator.

I am SO obsessed with weird shit around writers’ estates and who controls the rights to a writer’s work and all that shit; I read this article about Harvard’s stranglehold on Dickinson scholarship and had to smoke a cigarette after because it was so good for me.

OH WAIT there’s MORE ESTATE DRAMA, this time about John Steinbeck. I live for this. I LIVE for it.

Over on Ask a Manager, a trans woman in tech talks about how her work experiences differed before and after her transition. As you’d expect, it’s infuriating and fascinating.

This list of “the hardest props I’ve ever made,” where prop masters talk about movie prop challenges they faced and overcame, is actually more like “the hardest props I’ve ever tracked down” — but it’s still very cool and interesting to read.

I have wanted to kick Malcolm Gladwell in the shins for YEARS for his sloppy citation practices, so I am glad The Atlantic has noticed that most/all of what he says is based on nonsense.

Here’s Keidra Chaney on how to be a fan without being coopted into serving corporate interests.

This jewel thief grandma is my hero.

Wow: A Virginia man is suing a reporter and a UVA professor for defamation because they talked about his family’s slaveowning past.

For years we’ve bought into the claim that our brains are already in motion on Doing an Action before we consciously decide to Do the Action. (I have never felt this conflicts with free will, but whatever.) Apparently, it may have fallen victim to the classic science mistake of inadequately distinguishing signal from noise.

The problem with brands that market themselves as progressive is that we’re all still spinning round and round the capitalist whirlpool. ThirdLove is a shitty place to work.

It is the 25th anniversary of Friends, and Rachel Handler made Rachel’s fucked up trifle and forced her family to eat it.

Here is the cutest, most heartwarming Little Free Library in the world.

Leah Price considers the much-vaunted “death of the book” over the ages. The happy news is that the book has never died yet, so its prospects are solid.

A penguin came to Random Penguin.

Tell me some links you’ve encountered around ye olde web this past fortnight! And have a wonderful weekend!