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Tag: Dana Schwartz

OLD NEWS: A Links Round-Up

In an effort to appear Current, I am putting a more Current link at the top of this links round-up but it will quickly become apparent that a lot of these are old links because I forgot to post my links round-ups in a timely manner, and I am sorry. I have no excuse except that I just forgot about it on Thursday. Here’s a history of all the times New York Times opinion columnists wrote opinion columns about how unkind the internet is to New York Times opinion columnists. THE ARCHIVE WON A HUGO THE ARCHIVE WON A HUGO…

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Interrupting Women: A Links Round-Up

A man named Ben Blatt analyzed — among other things — the gendering of certain terms and descriptions in fiction. My favorite finding is that male writers were 75% more likely to depict female characters interrupting male characters. TYPICAL. On diversity in historical romance. Given the history of Nazi appropriation of medieval studies and folklore, I was particularly interested in this February series at the Public Medievalist about people of color in the medieval world. The introduction to the series is here, and you can click through to the other pieces in it. Well this story about a doctor who…