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Tag: Jeff Lemire

Descender Made Me Feel Things about Robots

Old and tired: Feeling guilty about reading comics in trades rather than issues because I know issue sales are how comics publishers make decisions New and wired: Feminist righteousness about an outdated sales model that refuses to account for the ways new comics readers tend to consume comics (ie trades and digital). What I’m saying is that I just read four trades of Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen’s series Descender, and I dug it so much, yet I am making no plans to read it in issues going forward. And I don’t feel guilty about it! I don’t! Reading in…

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Rounding up some more comics

It’s time again for a round-up of my comics reading! So many recommendations on this earth! Through the Woods, Emily Carroll Yeah, I can only assume that Emily Carroll knows me personally and designed Through the Woods to cater to my interests. It is a collection of some hella creepy stories about living near a forest. Girls go into the forest, and they come out different, or they don’t come out at all. This may be very shallow of me, but I love graphic novels where the lettering looks like proper handwriting. Though Saga has many charms, an early and prominent draw for me was…


Crows ARE that good: A links round-up

Yikes, guys. The State of Alabama is investigating claims of elder abuse against Harper Lee. Hopefully everything is fine… There are many reasons to feel grateful that I live in the times I live in, but here’s another one. Tom Stoppard has a new play at the National, and although reviews of it have accused it of being all ideas and no feelings, I still want to see it. And because of technology, I can. And that is pretty great. Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction, that widely-beloved power couple of the comics world, are coming for your televisions. I…