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Tag: Simon Parkin

Down with the Stanford Prison Experiment: A Links Round-Up

So one of my random but intense opinions is that the Stanford Prison Experiment and its creator, Philip Zimbardo, are unethical as shit and also bad science. If you get me started on the Stanford Prison Experiment, I can expostulate for a good twenty minutes on everything that was wrong with it and how infuriating it is that it continues to garner its unethical creator praise and fame and money. Good, ethical scientists exist! Give them a movie deal, damn! Anyway, here’s a quick run-down on the Stanford Prison Experiment and its many problems. I’m so excited this is in…

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Review: Death by Video Game, Simon Parkin

Who here is a gamer? Show of hands, please! I went into Death by Video Game with a very low level of gaming knowledge, and people with a low level of gaming knowledge is who I recommend this book for. I suspect that readers with knowledge of the gaming world would say “fie” to this book. THIS IS NOT A CRITICISM. I found Death by Video Game during a random, but pleasant, browse through my library’s catalog, and it is exactly what I wanted it to be: A series of journalistic sociology essays about the worlds and possibilities of video…