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Tag: Touch

It’s the End of 2015 (as we know it)

So here we are at the end of 2015. I had this idea that maybe in 2016 I’ll get really good about writing down all the super-excellent things that happen to me that year, and that way I won’t be struggling to think of them when the end of the year rolls around. My best thing of 2015 (brace yourself for a shock) was the musical Hamilton. Not a full week after I whined to my friends that I feared there would never be another musical that made me feel the way Wicked and Rent made me feel, and maybe…


Touch, Claire North

Let me start with this, and I’ll put it in caps so you can be clear on the message: Touch, by Claire North, is a VERY GOOD BOOK. Don’t be put off by whatever unidentified off-putting notion you may have about it that makes you leave it on your bedroom floor for three weeks before you condescend to pick it up. It’s a VERY GOOD BOOK. Onward to premise: There are creatures called ghosts who have the power to move from one body to another simply by touching skin. Ghosts can only die if they are cannot get out of their dying body quickly…