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If you could banish one euphemism forever

What would it be?  Because I mentioned on Rose City Reader‘s blog today that I hate it when books say “sex” as a noun to refer to genitals, and it made me realize that I couldn’t let another day go by without telling y’all how much I hate that particular use of that particular word.  Does it count as a euphemism?  Whatever, I hate it.  I hate it so much.  I hate it, hate it, hate it.  If I could banish it from the face of the earth, I WOULD DO IT.  Even typing the phrase “his sex” or “her sex” makes me squirm.  It’s so faux-solemn and at the same time unbearably cutesy and evasive.  Ugh, it makes me want to throw up.

So how about it?  What euphemism is more sickening to you than the actual thing (sex, death, sickness, disability, lying, religion, etc) that it’s trying to avoid saying?