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It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday and I lost an hour of sleep and it isn’t kicking my ass this year like it did last year but I DO NOT LOVE IT. Hopefully y’all are in less crabby spirits than I am. Stop by Book Date to see what other folks are reading this dark and crabby Monday morning.


What I Read Last Week:

One of my reading resolutions for this year was to read fifteen of my own damn books, of which ten were to be nonfiction. I am killing it so far! In the past week, I finished reading Joan Aiken’s The People in the Castle (a short story collection) and Clyde Edgerton’s Walking across Egypt, a book I should have known better than to imagine I would like. I don’t like Southern fiction! When will I get it through my head that I don’t like Southern fiction!

What I Culled:

Okay, this isn’t an official section of this meme, but I’m including it because I’m pleased with myself. In addition to culling Walking across Egypt, I also got rid of a Lynn Flewelling series (The Bone Doll’s Twin et seq.) that I don’t think I’m going to reread. It was so cleansing! Getting rid of things is magical!

What I’m Reading Now:

Empire of Sand, by Tasha Suri. It’s been terrific so far, even though I am not the world’s hugest reader of secondary world fantasy (see also: culling Lynn Flewelling). I have no idea what’s coming for the protagonists (apart from, hopefully, smooching), but I am excited to find out.

Image result for empire of sand

Anything else you want to brag about?

I AM SUCH A FINISHER. This year I decided kind of informally that I was going to start finishing TV shows instead of being so wishy-washy about picking them up and liking them but never finishing them. It is only March, but I have already caught myself up on Jane the Virgin, One Day at a Time, and Killjoys. I am now turning my attention to The Magicians, which I am given to understand is good, actually. I remember finding the first season oddly addictive despite all the things that annoyed and upset me about it, so I am excited to go back to it. I am three episodes into season two, and I love Julia and Alice as much as ever I did in years gone by.