Happy Readathon, if you are doing Readathon! I meant to post this an hour before Readathon started, but time got away from me and, well, here we are. I am just going to have to start a little late. Such, I fear, is life. In the meantime, have some links!
A profile of Lindy West, on the occasion of the release of Shrill.
How the internet is helping to preserve critically endangered languages.
What is society really nostalgic for, when it talks about “going back” to an era of healthy, home-cooked meals?
The reality TV industry isn’t providing adequate mental health care to its participants. That needs to change.
This article about classic party fiction is good but the fact that it doesn’t include the party scene from Mary Renault’s The Charioteer makes me question its leadership.
I am constantly forgetting who Bret Easton Ellis is, but that didn’t make this review of his latest book any less satisfying.
On 10 Things I Hate about You.
Here’s a list of the best bookstores in each state in the US.
If you want to read new SFF in the month of April, Book Marks has you covered.
FASCinating piece on using fashion to solve cold cases.
Want to know what’s been happening with racism in the romance industry? The Guardian‘s got you!
And now, on to the readathon!