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The Westing Game and Other Matters: A Links Round-Up

We did it, friends! We made it through another week! I hope we all have wonderful, soothing, unstressful plans for this weekend, with all our favorite foods and drinks. We deserve it like crazy.

Garbage in, garbage out: A really straightforward and helpful look at the ways algorithms become biased.

Jia Tolentino is one of my all-time faves, and this is a piece about The Westing Game, so I am about as happy as it is possible for a person to be.

Remember that thing where Sherrilyn Kenyon said her husband was poisoning her? Lila Shapiro has been reporting it ever since, and here, at last, is the story. IT IS SOMETHING.

Holidaygoers do not need to be protected from the violent history of empire in the places they visit.

Nothing on House Hunters is real (but we kinda already knew that, right?).

“Everyone, Jensen said, seemed to be constantly posting about how they were horny and how they wanted to die.” MORE JIA TOLENTINO, this time about the trend of demanding that celebrities kill us.

Here’s how to live in a country where 1/5 of its residents want you gone.

Never stop reading Angelica Jade Bastien’s appreciations of Keanu Reeves. Never do it.

“Very little, if anything, about the cruelty of the internet commentariat is specific to YA.” On diversity critiques on YA Twitter.

I’m sorry to have another article about how women’s rage and women’s suffering never ever ever starts to matter, but this is your article about the most recent in a string of rape accusations against the sitting president.

Emily Nussbaum has some great thoughts on what makes TV different than other art in terms of intimacy with the audience.

A terrific interview with Jackie Sibblies Drury, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and author of Fairview. (Especially when she talks about how fucking weird Yale is.)

Julia Carpenter writes about the harassment romance novelists face online.

Happy weekend!