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The Millions did release their massive book preview for the second half of 2019, and honestly, dayenu, but there are other links here too, for you to enjoy! Be blessed!

The second half of 2019 Millions Book Preview is here at this link. Let the glad songs of rejoicing resound throughout the land!

Here at this link is a deep dive into the cultural concept of Essex, a place I lived and was briefly incredibly happy.

Rich people are the worst: Brooklyn preschool edition.

“Many of the older feminist utopias sound like delightful fantasies until you learn the price of their equality.”

Do Muppets fuck? An investigation.

A child recovering from a terrible accident claimed to have seen angels and spent time in heaven — OR DID HE?

“Monsters rule over us, on behalf of monsters.” This Rebecca Solnit piece on Jeffrey Epstein is a bracing reminder to eat the rich.

How secrets spread (without anyone doing any big reveals).

The Illustrated Page has launched a queer SFF database, and she’s looking for recs to expand it! Stop by and help her out.

Who’s hosting the websites for hate groups? Gizmodo investigates. (The WordPress hosting company actually…took down the websites Gizmodo inquired about. Imagine that!)

I loved this review of Emily Nussbaum’s collected essays so much that I’m considering spending a RARE AND PRECIOUS nonfiction chit to read it.

Alexandra Minna Stern has written about the alt-right and the way they source their horrific claims.

Some times Claudia Rankine didn’t say aloud that race was present in her interactions with white men, and some times that she did.

Remember all those rich people who pledged millions to rebuild Notre Dame? Yeah. Not so much.

Happy weekend! Are you doing the 24 in 48 Readathon? Cause I sure fucking am, and it’s not too late for you to sign up, too! The Reading the End Bookcast is sponsoring one of their prizes this year, even! Hooray!