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Thank You, Pru and Waldorph

2019 has been a no-good very-bad year, but the creativity and work of many brilliant people has gotten me through it. As this stupid thankless year draws to a close, I’m writing thank-you notes to some of the people who made things that brought me joy in a dark time.

Dear Pru and Waldorph,

Thank you for making the Ride or Die podcast. One of my weird I’m-in-this-now-and-I’m-going-to-stick-to-it projects for 2019 was to finish shows that I’d begun and then wandered away from,1 including the absolute fucking idiocy that is Supernatural. (I should stipulate that I never intended to watch all fifteen seasons, as that would be Too Much. I solicited friend opinions and watched to the furthest point any of them claimed it was still good, which was the end of Season 8.) While it’s been a minute since I watched the actual episodes y’all discuss on the podcast, it was nevertheless a huge pleasure to have a Supernatural-related paratext to occupy my podcast-listening, particularly one whose hosts clearly have the same bitter affinity to this dumb fucking show that I have. I resent having emotions about the stupid Winchesters. Fuck this show.

Y’all make me laugh and your podcast was such a fun companion for me this year while I was watching the longest show of our time and bitching to my Supernatural friends about how obviously gay it was for Castiel to tearfully beat up Dean in an alley. Thank you.

Kind regards,

  1. Final total, for the interested, was ten shows: Anne with an E, Jane the Virgin, One Day at a Time, Leverage, The Magicians, Friday Night Lights, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Parenthood (yes), Blown Away, and Supernatural