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Atul Gawande Saves the Day with Common Sense: A Links Round-Up

Welp, the end of another week is upon us. Is the weekend a punishment or a reward, or neither? What distinguishes our days, if we can’t even go to the goddamn library? (Oh my God I miss the library.) (I don’t want the library to reopen until it can do so in a way that’s safe for library workers; I just miss it.) I have a plan to mark the passage of time by making a new batch of frozen breakfast burritos. This seems fine, but do you remember the time Before when a person could go out to a restaurant amongst many many other people and eat burritos that other humans might have aerosoled near? I remember those days. I pine for them. Were we ever so happy?

….Here are some links.

Atul Gawande knows how to stop the spread of coronavirus when we reopen.

A VP at Amazon resigned in disgust due to the treatment of whistleblowers about the treatment of warehouse employees. Word.

God, Anne Carson rules.

Why we miss our weak ties so much in the age of COVID.

COVID has added a new clause to America’s racial contract.

Jaya Saxena signs up for oodles of online experiences, and reports back.

G….osh, I have learned some things about author Emily Giffin this month.

Antarctican isolation offers the perfect opportunity to observe a new accent as it forms. Antarctica also offers insight into why people are starting to go extra crazy in these exact days that we are now in.

SL Huang considers the vagaries of genre labels (as a writer whose books straddle the line between SF and thriller).

The hero our quarantine needs: The filmed staged version of Hamilton (with the original cast!) is coming to Disney+ on July 3rd.

The translation of women by women is a feminist project.

If you’re like me and have been mopity-moping around since 2013 about the lack of new Sarah McCarry books, your struggles are at an end!!

What are you up to these days, my lovely friends? Has anything from the internet particularly tickled your fancy? Drop me a line and tell me all about it!