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A Few Kerfuffles: A Links Round-Up

Hello, hello! Once again, we have reached the weekend. We’ve done it together, hand in unlovable hand. I think the weeks and months are getting longer. Has anyone else noticed? I recommend convening a national committee of scientists to study this phenomenon and issue a comprehensive report about how to make it stop. Whilst time is crawling by, the weather has simply stopped trying. I am writing this post on an October evening and it is eighty-five degrees outside. This is ungodly.

I have never heard of this alt-lit writer from a time before I was quite as online as I am now, but this profile of her was still fascinating. (link)

By contrast, I was around for the full four hours of the recent YA authors / NFT kerfuffle, and since it was very brief and ended up harming nobody, I pronounce it a very enjoyable Twitter kerfuffle. Here is the recap of this scheme that multiple people apparently thought was a good idea. (link)

Don’t feel guilty for your guilty pleasures! (Or, yet another piece of proof that what I have come to mean when I say “guilty pleasures” is not the same as what other people mean when they say “guilty pleasures.”) (link)

I swear this will be the last of my links about the bad art friend. (link) And this one too. (link) And that’s it. Sorry.

The plumber is not trying to kill you, and other thoughts on where white-lady true crime has left us. (link)

When people leave Q-Anon, they need support, and that support has been very hard to find. (link)

“Being complicit pays.” Kayleigh Donaldson pans the new documentary series about Brittany Murphy’s life. (link)

Social media work and audio producing are their own forms of ghostwriting. (link)

Another excellent Fan Service column from Stitch! This one’s about ways of thinking about the morality of darkfic. (link)

What online stories have you been reading, friends? Also, I don’t really think your hands are unlovable! That was only a figure of speech.

Also, today is Oscar Wilde’s terrible ex-boyfriend Bosie’s birthday. Celebrate accordingly, I hope by cleansing your house and mind of any traces of your own terrible exes.