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Category: 4 Stars

Review: The Magician King, Lev Grossman

I will be honest and say that when Viking contacted me to offer me an early copy of The Magician King (thanks, Viking!) (FTC, take note), and I said yes, that was about the extent of the effort I was willing to put forth to acquire the sequel to The Magicians. Had I not received it in the post, I would most likely have seen The Magician King on the shelf at the library a few months from now, and checked it out then. I liked The Magicians, but I did not want to marry The Magicians (a maneuver that…


Review: Thus Was Adonis Murdered, Sarah Caudwell

Let it not be said that I do not take instruction. Proper Jenny – whom I’ve now met, hooray! – announced that all must read and adore Sarah Caudwell, and I hied me to PaperbackSwap posthaste to acquire said Caudwell’s four mystery novels, which were not available at my library. The books all match, and the covers were done by Edward Gorey, so if I was ever not going to like them, it wouldn’t be down to aesthetic considerations. However, I don’t think I was ever not going to like them. I have a sense that they are going to…


The second, third, and fourth Song of Ice and Fire books, (a précis)

If you liked A Game of Thrones for its tight plotting and political machinations, you should like the sequels also. That is what I say. Martin’s writing does not make my heart sing, nor do his characters possess the depth and intricacy of, say, Chaim Potok’s. But my stars, the man can handle the plot. How his brain can contain all these plot strands is beyond me. I sometimes went slightly into character overload — the Dornishmen and the Iron Islands guys and particularly the gangs of scavengers were too many for me. When they get removed from their natural…


Review: A Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin (an exercise in discursion)

A Game of Thrones is the first in a planned seven-book fantasy series by George R. R. Martin (he who is Not Your Bitch), recently adapted into an HBO series starring two actors who receive, in general, a level of attention not nearly commensurate to how much I adore them, Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage. The series is all about a great big enormous kingdom and the great big enormous war they’re going to have; there are more characters than I can reasonably describe here; there is a lot of incest and other sexual weirdness; there are massive battles; and…


Review: The Penderwicks at Point Mouette, Jeanne Birdsall

Oh, the Penderwicks. Jeanne Birdsall has said that she wrote the sort of book she liked to read when she was a girl, by which I must assume that Jeanne Birdsall and I had vastly similar reading tastes. When I read one of the now three books in the Penderwicks series, it makes me feel like I am about ten years old and back in southern Maine, curled up reading on the attic bed in the little cottage we rented every summer. This, presumably, is exactly what Jeanne Birdsall intended. The Penderwicks books are about four sisters (I am one…


Review: You Know When the Men Are Gone, Siobhan Fallon

Further study may confirm or deny this, but I suspect that short story collections do not make for good book club discussions. Or maybe my nonwork brunch book club is just bad at keeping on topic. We completely forgot to brainstorm a name for ourselves, and we spent about twenty (nonconsecutive) minutes talking about the book, and the remainder of the time chattering about shoes. You Know When the Men Are Gone is a loosely connected group of short stories about the army: life on an army base, or life in a war zone, or how to handle a homecoming.…


Translations, Brian Friel

I have now read two of Brian Friel’s plays (this one on the recommendation of my theater-savvy coworker) and I have determined that I am strongly in favor of him. Ordinarily I do not seek out the Lit’rature of Ireland, ancestral home though it is.1 Because the Lit’rature of Ireland seems terribly depressing, and even when it is Breakfast on Pluto and produced both that darling little film with Cillian Murphy and the excellent line about “his disagreeing face, disagreeing because it is as if he is saying ‘you can say this is happening but I don’t agree with you’”…


Review: The Anthologist, Nicholson Baker

I meant to sneak this post in under the wire for National Poetry Month, but April came to a rapid and surprising end before I was able to. Never mind. The Anthologist is a book for all seasons. The Anthologist follows the slightly scattered thoughts of poet Paul Chowder about poetry and life as he struggles to produce an introduction to an anthology of poetry he’s editing. Historically I have not been a fan of books with thin plots, or books about alienated writers who have scared off their significant others by being impossible and now need to mope about…


Review: The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, Dorothy Sayers

Tra-la, tra-la, I am jonesing so hard for Dorothy Sayers right now I don’t even know what to say about it. My clever-but-not-always-right friend tim stopped me from buying several other Dorothy Sayers mysteries or else it would be a Dorothy Sayers Festival all up in here. I want to read all her books. And then I want to travel to an alternate universe where she wrote more books than Agatha Christie, and read all those additional books. Many of them would feature Harriet Vane. Sigh. In The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, an old guy dies in the club…