Last weekend was so, so much if you are a nerdy girl. First there was this magical Wrinkle in Time teaser trailer, which made me want to buy Storm Reid a thousand bouquets of flowers forever. Then there was some Star Wars footage with Oscar Isaac giving Carrie Fisher a kiss, plus these excellent red posters for The Last Jedi (BUT NO POSTER OF ROSE AND I AM FURIOUS ABOUT IT). And THEN as if that weren’t enough, the Thirteenth Doctor was announced to be A WOMAN and I just, wow, it just was really, really a lot. How to…
8 CommentsCategory: Links Round-Ups
Okay, this is super late and I apologize to everyone. I was on vacation. Some of these links are old! Old but STILL SO GOOD. I love you all, and I hope you have an excellent weekend, though unless yours contains a crawfish boil it won’t be as good as mine. I’m glad to see We Rate Dogs receiving the credit it deserves for linguistic innovation. Here’s what happened when one person ate three eggs for breakfast every day of the week. There are in fact several reasons I’m not watching The Handmaid’s Tale, some personal and some ideological, but…
10 CommentsWe made it to another Friday, friends! I hope you all have restful and pleasant weekends scheduled, with lots of yummy foods and indulgent television. But before you get to that, I implore you to give yourselves the unparalleled gift of my first link, a piece about Rachel Dolezal that crashed The Stranger‘s website and hopefully introduced many new people to the superb work of Ijeoma Iluo. So far everyone I’ve sent it to has said “Damn, DAMN” to me — not once but several times — while quoting back to me relevant sections of the article. Feel free to…
19 CommentsIt’s Friday, friends, and I’m working all day tomorrow at a conference. Here’s hoping that you have a wonderful and restful weekend, and that if I don’t get enough sleep (I won’t) or find a reasonable place to park (I won’t), I at least manage to buy some terrific books at discount last-day-of-conference prices. All the excuses people give for making shitty racist movies, and why none of them are that convincing. (Clap your hands if you are pleased to see Ghost in the Shell bombing.) On feminist SF writers and the dystopian worlds they create. And it’s got a…
10 CommentsA man named Ben Blatt analyzed — among other things — the gendering of certain terms and descriptions in fiction. My favorite finding is that male writers were 75% more likely to depict female characters interrupting male characters. TYPICAL. On diversity in historical romance. Given the history of Nazi appropriation of medieval studies and folklore, I was particularly interested in this February series at the Public Medievalist about people of color in the medieval world. The introduction to the series is here, and you can click through to the other pieces in it. Well this story about a doctor who…
15 CommentsHappy Friday, everyone! This week’s been a good one for me, not least because absolutely everybody seems to really hate the new Netflix Iron Fist. The internet tried to warn you, Netflix! “We try not to get too hung up on the split infinitive”: Here’s some charming stories about copyediting and style guides. Gavia Baker-Whitelaw at the Daily Dot adored Logan and made me feel pretty sure that I will too.1 Likewise Emily Asher-Perrin at Tor, who does the excellent thing of saying a superhero movie is very good without trashing all other superhero movies. Emily Yoshida wrote this thing…
11 CommentsIf you are an enjoyer of handsome men, this is the links round-up for you! To be quite honest, the world has been mighty daunting these past two weeks, and I haven’t wanted to include a lot of things in my links round-up that would bum you out more. I tried to mostly have fun stuff in here instead. Not sure if this is going to be the new path forward for these links round-ups? I don’t know. Do y’all have a preference? Incisive commentary, or fluffy cheering-up items? A blend? Angelica Jade BastiĆ©n wrote that piece for Vulture a…
18 CommentsWelp, this has been a flatly terrifying week. Everyone take good care of yourself this weekend. Eat some yummy foods. Hug some puppies. We’ll be here for you on Monday. My links are mostly unscary ones because I care about you and I’m guessing your Twitter feed has been scary enough lately. Writers always wrote for money, so why do we suddenly have this idea that good writing springs purely from love? Also, why writers are so reluctant to talk about their pay in specific terms. This article is a review of the edited collection Scratch, and the one above…
13 CommentsI’ve been bouncing around the internets with my writing thoughts. Have some of my word-related New Year’s Resolutions over at the Oxford Dictionaries blog! Then enjoy my picks for 2016 Smugglivus, over at Book Smugglers! Maddy Myers is great, y’all. Here she is on on-screen queer kisses over at The Mary Sue. Y’all, you guys, hey everyone, guess what! England is about to get the FIRST EVER Kurdish novel to be translated into English. How cool! How good for the Kurds! I hope it publishes in the US also! This Natalie Luhrs piece for Uncanny Magazine unpacks what’s so great…