It’s another Friday that feels like a Monday! Not in a good way! But this Friday-that-feels-like-Monday isn’t like the other Fridays-that-feel-like-Mondays, because today is Oscar Wilde’s birthday! Oscar Wilde’s birthday! He would be, let’s see, one hundred and sixty-six if he had not died tragically young of ?stomach cancer? and if he had also died of nothing else due to advances in science that allowed people to live to be sixty-six. Hooray! I also watched an episode of Star Trek: Discovery and it was x-tremely enjoyable and I was in favor of it. I have not seen other episodes of…
1 CommentCategory: Links Round-Ups
Hullo, it is once again a Friday that somehow feels like a Monday, in advance of another Monday that I’m confident will feel deceptively like a Monday! On the weekend I plan to read as much as possible, write many lovely notes, do laundry, clean the loo, and edit very much podcast. If I run out of tasks I shall write letters to support democracy, because of course democracy is hanging on by a thread. Would you like to support democracy too? You can head over to Mobilize or Resistance Labs or Postcards to Voters or Vote Forward to check…
Leave a CommentListen, I will never recover from the first link in this links round-up, and that is just because I think it’s quite rude that someone walked into my family home and took numerous secret recordings of how we talk and how other people feel about how we talk. YES it took several years before my brother-in-law was able to figure out how to participate in our conversations because he was too polite to interrupt us and therefore he never got to say anything at all. YES I show engagement by peppering people with questions. Please let me have my privacy…
Leave a CommentFor some reason, it feels like all of my links are along the theme “untenable situation is untenable.” I am not sure why, except I guess we are all feeling exceptionally untenable about life these days. I read a New York Times article (link) about how we’ve all hit a wall, quarantine-wise, which seems accurate to my own experience and that of my friends-and-relations. If you’ve got anything that’s making you happy in quarantine, hit me up and let me know what that thing is! (My happy things are Indian food and Harrow the Ninth.) Anyway, on to the links!…
Leave a CommentA weird thing has befallen me, and I need help understanding how to feel. The Millions finally released their second half of 2020 book preview, and I have read it but yet somehow I have added… very few books to my own TBR list? Is it possible that 2020 has finally broken me? Do I no longer possess the capacity to feel joy? Is that what… Nevertheless: The Millions Book Preview, July – December 2020 Edition. (link) Hope Wabuke on the KKK joke. (link) Isabel Wilkerson considers the persistent caste system and the old, broken-down house that is America. (link)…
Leave a CommentIf you are in America, I hope that you have today off in which to read plenty of awesome things, and a quiet weekend where people for God’s sake get their act together and stop shooting off every single firework. I plan to read a bunch of nonsense and hopefully write a book review post for Monday. I probably remember how to write posts of this kind. And maybe I will do something pretend-productive like enter old reviews into Storygraph. Relatedly, I’m on Storygraph! Follow me! “At your best, a companion. At your worst, a danger.” Linda Holmes examines white/black…
1 CommentIn case you’re thinking “hey where are all the JK Rowling sucks links in this links round-up,” the answer is that I am furious with her and so I have saved all of those links for last. In case you are not sure why I am saying JK Rowling sucks, the answer is that she said a bunch of nakedly transphobic things on Twitter and then when people were like “whoa that’s so transphobic” she wrote a like 3500-word manifesto about why trans people are bad, actually. So. Hell with her. She is an asshole. I never liked ironic detachment.…
Leave a CommentI named my links round-up after the first link in the bunch because if I named it after the last link I would cry. This is a horrible week, and I haven’t been able to do much reading yet of the no-doubt-terrific analysis that folks are doing on the situation in Minneapolis. In lieu of that, I’ll just link to the bail fund and encourage folks to donate. I also very much encourage you to call your secretaries of state and ask them to enable expanded mail-in voting for future elections. This country. Anyway. Some links! Here are so, so…
Leave a CommentWelp, the end of another week is upon us. Is the weekend a punishment or a reward, or neither? What distinguishes our days, if we can’t even go to the goddamn library? (Oh my God I miss the library.) (I don’t want the library to reopen until it can do so in a way that’s safe for library workers; I just miss it.) I have a plan to mark the passage of time by making a new batch of frozen breakfast burritos. This seems fine, but do you remember the time Before when a person could go out to a…
Leave a CommentWELL my friends, we are now a full month into full coronavirus pandemic mode, and I hope that you are all hanging in there. Have we all sort of recognized that we’re going to be inside until the end of May? That’s how I’m reading the situation, but please weigh in if you feel differently. I know officially the end of April is when this stops, but like. Will it? No. Probably not. I am having my toddler godson over to my house later today to PARTY PARTY PARTY, and our agenda includes playing on my main bed, which goes…
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