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Category: Misc.

Why I Don’t Like Those Vampire Books by Stephenie Meyer

I’m getting so much anger from Twilight fans I thought I’d go ahead and actually say why I think these books are bad. It’s not because they contain vampires (you’re talking to a girl who owns all seven seasons of Buffy and all but the last one of Angel), and it’s not because the characters contemplate having sex (I’m all for sex – plus, see above with the Buffy and the Angel, cause Buffy at least has people having sex all over the place, and not infrequently sex with vampires), and it’s certainly not anything to do with any belief…


I’m funny!

Says Box of Books.  (Though I think I’m only very occasionally funny.)  But I still like filling up questiony things.  Oo, except for when you have to bubble in bubbles like on standardized tests.  Once I knew what the pattern of my name was – up-spike at the E, drastic down-spike for the Y – which was around first grade – it got boring. What kind of a book are you comfortable reading? To be honest, the ones I’ve read before.  And every now and again, I come across a new book that feels comfortable, but there doesn’t seem to…

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The most unbelievable luck

So there was a book fair today, right, and do you know what I bought for one dollar, one dollar? A shiny clean hardback of Crocodile on the Sandbank. For a dollar. A hundred pennies. Wow. I also got hardbacks of To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of King Midas, Stuart Little, The Trumpet of the Swan, Thursday’s Child, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Twilight, and The Little Lame Prince. All of these things, plus some assorted paperbacks, for a grand total of $20.10. I am one happy camper. Edit on Friday to add:…

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I am a bad blogger, both here and on my regular blog.  This is because I am insanely busy with schoolwork (ugh, it never ends), and trying to secure my future in 500-1000 words; and when all that business is over with, I will still be a bad blogger because I have just discovered that in spite of being initially very unimpressed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it is actually a lot like crack cocaine in that I absolutely cannot stop now that I have started.  This is true to such a vast extent that I have had to give…


Neil Gaiman is a very cool guy

His blog is now seven years old, and HarperCollins is going to put up one of his books to be read for free, free, free! on the internet.  But we get to vote on which one. So vote!  They are all good but I like Neverwhere the best.

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I just have to say

I’m in the middle of The Semi-Detached House, and I’m definitely much more charmed by it than I was by The Semi-Attached Couple. I like Blanche so far much more than I did Helen, and I am now definitely feeling the Jane-Austen-esque but bitchier thing. Behold: “Are you going to this concert, Baroness?” “No; it seems odd, but we are not asked this time,” said the Baroness, with an air of modest pride. “I suspect we are out of favour at Court, but a Drawing-Room is my aversion, and I have been sadly remiss this year; absolutely neglected the Birthday,…

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