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Category: Uncategorized

Something on Sunday: 11/26

Hey y’all, sorry this is going up a little late. I had a rough weekend and I’m feeling really glum and having a hard time looking on the bright side. But: I read a wonderful (but sad) YA novel called Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman, and it reminded me again of how much I love to read; and I caught up on the new season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which is absolutely terrific. So there’s that! Let me know what’s good in your  neck of the woods! Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets This plugin requires intervention by this site’s administrator. To display…


Something on Sunday: 11/19

Happy Sunday, friends! Here in Louisiana, the weather shocked me by taking a turn for the coolish. I have my fingers crossed (but am not sanguine) that it will stay under 70 through Thanksgiving. Wouldn’t that be nice? A cool Thanksgiving? Anyway, right now it’s in the mid-fifties and sunny, so I am a happy and thankful gal. Here’s what’s been making me happy this week. Giggling over: This ranking of the sex stares of every dude in Poldark. What a blessing. I don’t even watch Poldark, but I am familiar with the Aidan Turner smolder-face. Charmed by: This picture…


Something on Sunday: 11/12

Happy Sunday, friends! If you’re anything like 90% of the people I follow on Twitter, you’re very tired of hearing miserable stories about sexual assault. So this Sunday (and all the Sundays!) I bring you some glad tidings, which hopefully will be a small tonic. Inspired by: Gal Gadot refusing to reprise her role as Wonder Woman unless Warner Brothers ensures that Brett Ratner’s involvement with the DCU ends. I don’t know if she’ll stick to her guns but I sure do hope so. Happy about: Voting! I early voted! I sure love voting, y’all. Doing my civic duty can…


Something on Sunday: 11/5

Have we all falled back appropriately? Here’s hoping that it doesn’t wreck our sleep schedules: For some reason springing forward this year utterly kicked my ass and turned me into a zombie, although usually I am immune to time changes. Who knows, guys. What’s keeping you on your feet this Sunday? Link it up below so we can all rejoice in it! Enjoyed: The experience of walking while carrying a coat and hat. The weather lately has been doing those confusing 3o- to 40-degree swings between night and day, which means I go into work wearing a coat and hat…


Something on Sunday 10/29

Happy Sunday, friends! The weather in Louisiana has settled down to be beautiful at least for a few days, so my main Something on Sunday thing is that I can finally walk places again. It fulfills so many needs at once! I get my exercise! I have time to think quietly! The sun blondes my hair! It’s the best! The other thing is that I’ve started rewatching Black Sails with my sister, and I noticed in the pilot that Miranda and Flint have this book on their shelves. (I had never heard of this fellow Grotius.) Well not TWO DAYS…


Something on Sunday: 10/22

Happy Sunday, friends, and welcome back to the third-for-me-but-fourth-overall Something on Sunday! I missed last week due to travel plans and being lazy, but from NOW ON there will be ALWAYS a Something on Sunday for y’all lovely people to splash around in. Here’s what I’ve got. Intisar Khanani, an author I adore and cherish, has landed a two-book deal with Harper Teen. They’ll be reissuing her book Thorn, a marvelous retelling of “The Goose Girl,” and she’ll be writing a companion novel to go with it, tentatively called A Theft of Sunlight. Intisar Khanani seems like a truly lovely…


Something on Sunday, 10/8

Happy Sunday, friends! I am right now hanging with my sister, the coolest and bravest lady on earth, and drinking fancy coffee from her confusing coffee maker. Later we are having scones. Tell me what’s going on with you this Sunday! Touched by: This thread by my pal, literary webseries pusher, and Women in Translation Month founder Meytal (at Biblibio). I want to share a story of something that happened to me today which is not happy, but has a beautiful moral. If you'd like to read it. — Meytal Radzinski (@Biblibio) October 4, 2017 Happy about: I got a…


Something on Sunday

Okay, y’all, we’re trying this out! Per my post from last week, I want to take some time on Sundays to talk about things that kept me moving forward or gave me some joy. Tweet at me or link your posts in the comments, and I swear that next week I will have a proper Mr. Linky for your use. (I have encountered technical difficulties.) Proud of: I convinced two more people to try out the life-changing packing cubes (and perhaps other products!) of Ebags Dot Com, who somehow have still not given me an endorsement deal. I also received…


The Future of Football: A Links Round-Up

IT IS FRIDAY. Every week is a thousand years long, and I have a weird SF video thing to share with you first: What will football look like in the future (the far, far future)? SB Nation has a go at figuring it out. Following the death of Otto Wambier, journalist and Korea expert Suki Kim argues that tourism to North Korea serves no legitimate purpose. Some people get very mad when JK Rowling says stuff about Harry Potter. My pal Ben Lindbergh argues at The Ringer that there’s no point being mad about it. This movie review is magical.…


Justice for Kenny: A Links Round-Up

Okay, I don’t actually have a link about Kenny, my favorite contestant on this season of The Bachelorette, but I will tell you that there is some racist shit going down on this season, and it is not fun to watch, it’s upsetting. ABC is a tire fire. What else is new. Roxane Gay’s series “World of Wakanda” was canceled — as usual, because Marvel calculates sales in the stupidest way possible and doesn’t give its new series and new authors the support they need and enough time to find their audience. Swapna Krishna discusses this nonsense. I still haven’t…