You may have heard of Helen Oyeyemi’s most recent book, White is for Witching, as it seems to have begun to make its way round the blogosphere. But it is all checked out at my library. I decided to make a virtue of necessity and read Oyeyemi’s three books in the order she wrote them, starting with The Icarus Girl which, I discovered, she wrote before she was twenty and published when she was twenty-two. Jessamy Harrison is a lonely little girl trying to find her place. Daughter of a Nigerian mother and a British father, she is never sure…
18 CommentsReading the End Posts
I dreamed last week that I had checked out A Time to Keep Silence from the library, on Litlove’s recommendation, and was very let down by it. Instead of writing about visiting monasteries, it was all about visiting chocolate factories! In my dream, I got fed up with Fermor’s constant cutesy references to Willy Wonka, and in the end I took the book and stacked it neatly on top of the other library books I haven’t liked enough to finish. And then this all receded into the fuzzy mess of vague memory, and as happens with absurd regularity, I forgot…
27 CommentsI won Peter and Max from Cecelia of adventures of cecelia bedelia – thank you! I was having a terrible day, and when I got home I had not one, BUT TWO packages on my doorstep. One was Peter and Max, and the other was a package of two books and a bookmark from Jeane. It was amazing. It caused my day to stop being terrible, and be awesome instead. (True story.) If you haven’t read Fables, you should really do that. In fact, go do that now, and when you have finished, you may come back and we can…
19 CommentsIn case you are wondering: 1. I cried several tears of happiness. 2. I have only a very small, croaky voice left. 3. We will have to think up new hell-froze-over jokes. 4. There is much street-dancing, horn-honking, screaming, and fireworks. I BELIEVE THIS MEANS THAT LENT IS CANCELED. I AM HAPPY. WHO DAT!
Update on Fellowship
It is now the middle of the month – tell us all how Tolkien is treating you over at The Literary Omnivore: (omnivore = all standards) If you’ve been with us since the beginning, how do you feel about the narrator compared to the narrator in The Hobbit? BETTER. I didn’t hate the narrating style of The Hobbit or anything, but it didn’t feel like the Middle Earth world. Reading Fellowship is nice – it starts out sounding rather cheerful and hobbity, like The Hobbit, but more Lord of the Ringsy, and then it slowly gets darker and darker. By…
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