Okay, this is super late and I apologize to everyone. I was on vacation. Some of these links are old! Old but STILL SO GOOD. I love you all, and I hope you have an excellent weekend, though unless yours contains a crawfish boil it won’t be as good as mine. I’m glad to see We Rate Dogs receiving the credit it deserves for linguistic innovation. Here’s what happened when one person ate three eggs for breakfast every day of the week. There are in fact several reasons I’m not watching The Handmaid’s Tale, some personal and some ideological, but…
10 CommentsReading the End Posts
As I think I have said in my reviews of Ausma Zehanat Khan’s previous books, I don’t read a lot of mysteries. When I do get hooked on a mystery series, I don’t tend to review each one, but I’m making an exception (as you can see!) for Among the Ruins, the third in Ausma Zehanat Khan’s Esa Khattak / Rachel Getty series. I was initially drawn into Khan’s work because of my general desire to support POC authors working in genre fiction. But I’ve stayed with the series because each book has done such a beautiful job of incorporating…
10 CommentsDid you hear that I went to London? My beautiful London! I haven’t been to London since 2009, in spite of my very intense love for it, so it was great to be reunited. I went with my lovely mum and my lovely friend Alice, which was an absolute treat all around. We had Ethiopian food and Persian food and delicious gnocchi and Pieminister pies, and I bought, um, a certain quantity of books. The thing is, London has kind of a lot of excellent bookshops, and I had left a lot of spare room in my suitcase, so. I…
29 CommentsSome years, my pal Jeanne from Necromancy Never Pays makes it down to Louisiana and stops by for a visit with my family. Last year, she so so kindly brought me a book as a gift: I, Iago, by Nicole Galland, which she said I would enjoy. (Spoiler: I did, indeed, enjoy it.) Nearly an entire year later, when I recalled that Jeanne would possibly be visiting again soon (yay!), I gave myself a stern talking-to about putting off reading books that were gifts, and I pulled I, Iago down off my TBR shelf and read it. And the thing…
18 CommentsIt’s Wednesday and I am back from England and I absolutely promise I will not buy any more books this year. I bought a nutso number of books in London. Sorry London. Sorry suitcase. Meanwhile, we’ve got an awesome new episode for you, with plenty of talk of comics and suggested reading for the summer of 2017. You can listen to the podcast in the embedded player below or download the file directly to take with you on the go! Episode 82 Here’s the time signatures for each segment, if you want to skip around! 1:30 – What we’re reading…
Leave a CommentThe marvelous Bina reviewed The Liminal People some time ago and mentioned that it’s frequently compared to X-Men, which naturally was all the inducement I needed to buy it and its two sequels a few AWPs ago. “X-Men meets [literally anything]” = a sales pitch that will win me over 10/10 times. Taggert, our hero (ish), is a healer with the power to magically repair any ailments of the body, from wounds to asthma to cancer. He has wandered the world for most of his life, desperate to meet more people with powers like him, and his wanderings have washed…
2 Commentstfw basically all you have to say to convince anyone to read a book is the premise (cf: time-traveling pirates): TRANS GIRL SUPERHERO. Danny is struggling with how to tell her parents that she’s a girl when the superhero Dreadnought falls from the sky, bestows all his powers upon Danny, and magically transforms her body into a girl’s body. All at once, she has girl parts and superhero powers, and neither of those is exactly easy to explain to the people in her life. TRANS. GIRL. SUPERHERO. So in the first place, it’s terrific to read more #ownvoices books about…
9 CommentsHappy Wednesday! It’s May! And we’re joined this week by special guest Ashley for Serial Box Book Club, a game about music reviews, and a discussion of Hari Kunzru’s ghost thriller White Tears. You can listen to the podcast in the embedded player below or download the file directly to take with you on the go! Episode 81 Here’s the time signatures for each segment, if you want to skip around! 1:10 – What we’re reading 6:33 – Did Whiskey Jenny like Fast 8? 7:31 – Did we all see the new Star Wars trailer? 9:03 – Serial Box Book…
Leave a CommentOh marvelous Audra of Unabridged Chick for putting me onto Amberlough by describing it (accurately) as “a gay spy thriller that’s allegedly Le Carre meets Cabaret.” This is a terrific and accurate description, although Cabaret is already pretty gay. Please hold while I go down a rabbit hole of watching YouTube videos from Cabaret and then conclude that this piecemeal bullshit is no good and I need to watch the movie again in its entirety. Enjoy this book cover while you’re waiting. Cyril De Paul is a half-hearted spy for the government of Amberlough, one of four loosely affiliated governments…