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Tag: a trivia game

Reading the End Bookcast, Ep.100 – Patreon Launch and Alfred Lansing’s Endurance (and a Giveaway!)

Can you believe it’s been 100 episodes? Whiskey Jenny and I cannot, such that we spent several minutes of our lives exclaiming about the mysterious way in which our podcast seems both new and eternal. But we are celebrating with a Patreon launch (!!!), and you can check that out here. The gist is that if you want to give us a small amount of money each month to help cover podcast costs, we will be delighted and grateful.

We’re also doing a giveaway to celebrate our 100th episode, and it features several items that I wanted to keep so badly I had to wrap them up and hide them from myself. To wit: A set of bookish stationery, two pocket-size journals from the inimitable Rifle Paper Co., some charming page flags, and a copy of Alfred Lansing’s genuinely marvelous book Endurance.

This giveaway is open internationally, and there are many ways to enter.

After some persistent jokes that we should have the 100th episode just be a clip show, we have made an episode of the podcast that is all the regular qualities of the podcast, intensified. Which is to say there are two games, more giggling than is probably reasonable, and a very deep dive into the Endurance expedition of Ernest Shackleton. You can listen to the podcast using the embedded player below, or download the file directly to take with you on the go!

Episode 100

Here are the time signatures if you want to skip around!

3:29 – What we’re reading
8:33 – Podcast announcements
15:56 – Diamond Jubilee games!
36:37 – Endurance, Alfred Lansing
1:12:46 – What we’re reading for next time

Here are some Adelie penguins saying “Clark.” Here are some more Adelie penguins saying “Clark.” Here are some pictures from the Endurance expedition. We urge you, in particular, to look at how heavy these lifeboats are to haul, yet how tiny to contemplate using them to sail upon the infinite seas.

This is a leopard seal. I oppose it and all its works and ways.

photo credit: Paul Nicklen

Get at me on Twitter, email the podcast, and friend me (Gin Jenny) and Whiskey Jenny on Goodreads. Or if you wish, you can find us on iTunes (if you enjoy the podcast, give us a good rating!) or Patreon (all support hugely appreciated).

Champagne sound is by Andi Roselund (Sangwha Comm)
Photo by: The Illustrious Annalee
Theme song by: Jessie Barbour

Transcript is under the jump.