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Tag: Alyssa Rosenberg

You should buy the Hamilton cast recording: A links round-up

If you haven’t yet listened to the Hamilton cast recording, you are not living your best life. It’s out today for digital download, and you should buy it. As of this posting, you can also stream it on NPR First Listen. Did you miss my linguistics nerdery? Great news: Here’s an article about how language shapes our brains. Jenny Zhang on being a writer of color and the Best American Poetry mess. If you like Return of the Jedi but hate the Ewoks, you understand feminist criticism. Remembering to use a trans person’s preferred pronouns is no harder than remembering…


“That racist thing where I touch your hair”: A links round-up

I could not be more excited about the new Lifetime show UnREAL. “Now I’m going to do that racist thing where I touch your hair.” Saeed Jones on being black in the book world. A moderate voice on trigger warnings for the classics. And another piece on trigger warnings generally, which makes the point that it’s not about whether to teach this or that troubling text, but how. Brit Bennett of the Paris Review on Addy Walker and black dolls in American culture. No joke, y’all, I reread the Addy books recently and they are fucking brutal. Gender differences in…


Things in my week that were awesome

First of all: The absurdly delayed results of my Alias Hook giveaway! picked a winner, and it is Jeanne! Of Necromancy Never Pays! Congrats, Jeanne, and I will ask the publisher to send a copy of the book your way. Secondly, I decided to do a links round-up post today, of bookish and nerdy and feminist stuff that interested me this week. I always love link round-ups, and this week I got jealous enough to make one of my own. In honor of the release of Marvel’s weirdest movie yet, Guardians of the Galaxy, I give you two conflicting…