Listen, I will never recover from the first link in this links round-up, and that is just because I think it’s quite rude that someone walked into my family home and took numerous secret recordings of how we talk and how other people feel about how we talk. YES it took several years before my brother-in-law was able to figure out how to participate in our conversations because he was too polite to interrupt us and therefore he never got to say anything at all. YES I show engagement by peppering people with questions. Please let me have my privacy…
8 CommentsTag: Emily Temple
Well! Well! Well, I just simply do not know what to say about *waves hands* all this, except that we are at the end of a second week of Definitely Crisis Mode, and everyone but me seems to be making bread. An admirable goal! Drop into the comments and let me know what else you’re doing to get by. My two main things are listening to “Back to Before,” a Broadway standard from a musical I don’t know, watching The Repair Shop on Netflix, and coloring in my coloring app, which is called Happy Color (it’s worth investing in the…
11 CommentsDo you think Friday the 13th still counts when there’s a global pandemic on? Or do you think we all get a bye on Friday the 13th bad luck because we’re having such terrible luck already? Either way, the important thing is that we all have enough Tylenol and reading material, so pop into the comments and let me know what you’re reading and how it’s treating you. I myself am reading Realm of Ash, by Tasha Suri, and it’s treating me real real good. And now, on to the links! Tumblr’s not dead — no! It is aliiiiiiiive! China…
5 CommentsHappy Readathon, if you are doing Readathon! I meant to post this an hour before Readathon started, but time got away from me and, well, here we are. I am just going to have to start a little late. Such, I fear, is life. In the meantime, have some links! A profile of Lindy West, on the occasion of the release of Shrill. How the internet is helping to preserve critically endangered languages. What is society really nostalgic for, when it talks about “going back” to an era of healthy, home-cooked meals? The reality TV industry isn’t providing adequate mental…
4 CommentsOkay, none of these links have anything to do with my godchild. I am just high on love because the least cuddly child on earth not only gave me an enormous hug without prompting, but the hug also lasted ~75 seconds. It was the best. I love that kid so much. ANYWAY ON TO THE LINKS. Some of these are old because I have been getting lax with my links round-ups, but they’re still good, I think! The internet is not a shared space of equality. It’s as segregated as the real world. US vs UK book covers of 2018.…