You will be shocked, SHOCKED, to learn that the FBI was spying on James Baldwin. The psychological toll of reporting on black deaths in America. Do newsrooms have social workers? I feel like they should. Or some sort of institutionalized debriefing situation. What defines the Gothic (with examples from some of my literally most favorite ever in this world authors). I maybe liked The Man from UNCLE an eensy smidge more than Wesley Morris did, but I can’t argue with his review of it. Except for the criticisms of Henry Cavill. I really liked Henry Cavill in this movie. Also,…
6 CommentsTag: Emma Donoghue
If you’ve reviewed Room lately, I’ve probably commented on your blog to say, You have reviewed this book well, but it sounds way too upsetting and I am never, ever, ever, ever going to read it myself. That is still (probably) true, so my mother has kindly agreed to guest-review it for me. Here is Mumsy! (The review on the cover of my copy of Room says: “Potent, darkly beautiful, revelatory.” I have no idea what that even means.) To Ma, Room is a twelve-by-twelve nightmare prison, the scene of repeated rapes and beatings since she was kidnapped at nineteen.…