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Tag: Emma Donoghue

But realistically I think we are in an eternal summer: A links round-up

You will be shocked, SHOCKED, to learn that the FBI was spying on James Baldwin. The psychological toll of reporting on black deaths in America. Do newsrooms have social workers? I feel like they should. Or some sort of institutionalized debriefing situation. What defines the Gothic (with examples from some of my literally most favorite ever in this world authors). I maybe liked The Man from UNCLE an eensy smidge more than Wesley Morris did, but I can’t argue with his review of it. Except for the criticisms of Henry Cavill. I really liked Henry Cavill in this movie. Also,…


Room, Emma Donoghue (a guest review by Mumsy)

If you’ve reviewed Room lately, I’ve probably commented on your blog to say, You have reviewed this book well, but it sounds way too upsetting and I am never, ever, ever, ever going to read it myself. That is still (probably) true, so my mother has kindly agreed to guest-review it for me. Here is Mumsy! (The review on the cover of my copy of Room says: “Potent, darkly beautiful, revelatory.” I have no idea what that even means.) To Ma, Room is a twelve-by-twelve nightmare prison, the scene of repeated rapes and beatings since she was kidnapped at nineteen.…