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Tag: Helena Fitzgerald

Snails in Dollhouses: A Links Round-Up

WELP I have gotten behind on my links, which means a bunch of these are old. On the other hand, the passage of time has lost all meaning and the news cycle is now 3.2 seconds, so the important thing is probably just that I included some snails in dollhouses for y’all’s Friday. Have a wonderful weekend! These are just some motherfucking snails inside some motherfucking dollhouses. Why casting Nagini as an Asian woman is so offensive. Ron Charles considers whether we still need Banned Books Week, and reaches no real conclusion. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a writer I adore, talks about…



I’d say that I am currently at peak excitement for The Last Jedi, but it’s impossible to say with any certainty. As we draw ever closer to Star Wars Day (the 15th but actually for me probably the 16th), I likely will grow ever more excited until I see the movie or explode, whichever comes first. So let’s start this week’s round-up with some Kelly Marie Tran news. Kelly Marie Tran in Buzzfeed. Kelly Marie Tran in EW. Kelly Marie Tran sorting Star Wars characters into Hogwarts houses, an activity she’s so pumped to do. And lest we forget, here’s…