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Tag: needless to say my puppy voice triumphed over her reticence


Me: I came over to visit my schnooky puppy an’ snuddle her little puppy self and kiss her puppy nose. Mumsy: Why are you like this? Me: Oh, hey, Mumsy, you should do a guest review on my blog! Mumsy: No. Me: Yes!  Mumsy, you should!  What about all those reviews you do on GoodReads and LibraryThing?  I could just– Mumsy: No!  They’re no good! Me: Oh, Mumsy.  The bar that has been set by me is oh so very very low. Mumsy: Oh I don’t want to. Me: Come on!  It’ll be fun!  I’ll be all, Heeeeeeere’s Mumsy!  And…