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Tag: Rivers Solomon

Shortly Ever After: September 2019

Hello, hello! Have you missed me? I have not been telling you about short fiction lately, but I am inspired by the start of a new semester to resume my short fiction reading, even though semesters are meaningless in my life now that I am no longer (thank God) in school. Suitably, though, I am starting with a kind of story that I’m a sucker for, the kind that is written like a pretend piece of scholarship. You know the way to my heart, M. E. Bronstein. “Elegy of a Lanthornist,” by M. E. Bronstein (Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 6700 words)…


Review: The Vela, Yoon Ha Lee, Becky Chambers, Rivers Solomon, and SL Huang

OOF. Tear my heart into tiny pieces, why don’t you, The Vela writing team? If you haven’t yet heard about Serial Box, my friends, you are missing a trick. They do serialized fiction — mostly SFF — with some of the most incredible writers working today. The Vela (out tomorrow!) brings together some of my truest new faves from the past few years: Yoon Ha Lee, who wrote Ninefox Gambit; Becky Chambers, who wrote The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet; Rivers Solomon, who wrote An Unkindness of Ghosts; and SL Huang, who wrote Zero Sum Game. Of course,…


Review: An Unkindness of Ghosts, Rivers Solomon

Don’t you love a debut novel? Admittedly in this trashfire world I am prone to getting sentimental about things it is insane to get sentimental about, like tiny foods and sitcom episodes where people discover emotional truths about themselves; but I do feel sentimental about debut novels and the hope they represent. There’s something quite magical about an editor believing in a brand new author, and there’s something even magical-er about an author setting their first-ever book into the world like a message in a bottle, searching for their exactly-right community of readers. Which is why I’m mightily grateful to…