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Tag: Sorcerer to the Crown

Sorcerer to the Crown, Zen Cho

Note: I received an e-galley of Sorcerer to the Crown from the publisher for review consideration. Some brilliant person described this book on Twitter a while ago as a postcolonial Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, and I have been all about it ever since. Zen Cho’s debut novel tells the story of Zacharias Wythe, the first ever black Sorcerer to the Crown. Suspected of involvement in the death of his predecessor, Zacharias becomes enmeshed in a political conflict among magical parties in (what is not yet) Malaysia, fights for his position against an interloper magician recently returned from the realm…


An extremely on-brand links round-up

Oh, have I mentioned I’m excited about Zen Cho’s Sorcerer to the Crown? WELL I AM. Here’s Zen Cho on writing three novels and throwing two of them out. Eliding the horrors of American slavery. The development of American English and the new London dialect that’s replacing Cockney. Literary blind spots from famous authors. Writing letters to trees. “I don’t see gender/color/difference” is bullshit, and let’s not ever forget it. An appreciation of Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye, which recently (sob!) ended its run. What women write about when we write about the apocalypse. This article about Auroville is shocking because this…