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Down with the Stanford Prison Experiment: A Links Round-Up

So one of my random but intense opinions is that the Stanford Prison Experiment and its creator, Philip Zimbardo, are unethical as shit and also bad science. If you get me started on the Stanford Prison Experiment, I can expostulate for a good twenty minutes on everything that was wrong with it and how infuriating it is that it continues to garner its unethical creator praise and fame and money. Good, ethical scientists exist! Give them a movie deal, damn!

Anyway, here’s a quick run-down on the Stanford Prison Experiment and its many problems. I’m so excited this is in the news. Be mad about it. Tell your friends.

This article has a bad headline, but it’s spot-on about the way our literary canon perpetually asks everyone, women included, to care deeply about the sexual frustration of men who hate us.

Kekla Magoon on heroism and community. PS y’all should read The Rock and the River and How It Went Down because they’re extraordinary.

This deep-dive into Sherlock conspiracy fandom is absolutely weird and fascinating.

“Come on in; the water is sickeningly warm.” Rebecca Traister on Bill Clinton’s indignation about being asked to discuss his behavior towards Monica Lewinsky in the context of #MeToo.

Coming of age stories for girls in movies are overwhelmingly white (and wealthy).

Ellen Oh has some thoughts on writing while white and how to receive criticism.

Who gets to talk? Rabih Alameddine on purveyors of comforting myths.

The trouble with researching a historical novel is knowing when to stop, and what details to pare away.

Fighting fake reviews — in literature, in the restaurant world, on YouTube — has never been trickier.

I finally took a deep dive into that sex cult that one of the actresses from Smallville was in, and gosh, what an experience. Cults are WILD. Content note for abuse.

Here’s what you need to know about the world’s scariest scary film, Hereditary — whether you want to see it or not! See also: How to participate in horror movies when you are scared of horror, an article that is written by a totally separate human than me but it might as well be an excerpt from my autobiography.

Women use true crime as emotional catharsis and danger practice. (Not me though. I don’t fuck with true crime. No indeed.)

Have a wonderful weekend, internet friends!