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Tag: Ellen Oh

Down with the Stanford Prison Experiment: A Links Round-Up

So one of my random but intense opinions is that the Stanford Prison Experiment and its creator, Philip Zimbardo, are unethical as shit and also bad science. If you get me started on the Stanford Prison Experiment, I can expostulate for a good twenty minutes on everything that was wrong with it and how infuriating it is that it continues to garner its unethical creator praise and fame and money. Good, ethical scientists exist! Give them a movie deal, damn! Anyway, here’s a quick run-down on the Stanford Prison Experiment and its many problems. I’m so excited this is in…

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JK Rowling Does What She Wants: A links round-up

Emily Asher Perrin (writer of the superb Harry Potter Reread series on has some thoughts on JK Rowling’s constant expanding of the Harry Potter universe, and most of them are also my thoughts, so go see what you think. The controversial Professor Bhaer: An investigation in five parts at the Paris Review. Bros writing about southern food (& why it should be more ladies), over at a website I newly love, The Bitter Southerner. This piece by Kiese Laymon about Bill Cosby and minimum standards of human decency is so, so good. The stories you have the right to…